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Risk, Vulnerability and Resilience in the Limpopo River Basin

Vhembe Biosphere Reserve

Updated: Mar 21, 2021

"Resilience in the Limpopo River Basin (Resilim) Program strengthening the overall resiliency of the Limpopo River Basin ecosystems, and the people dependent upon them, is necessary for sustainable development in the region. there is a need to bolster participatory processes built on sound science that effectively incorporates ecological, social and economic aspects of water resource management in the face of climatic change. in addition, there is a need to enhance individual and institutional capacities in order to anticipate and respond to changes in ways that ensure equitable and lasting development."

"The Resilience in the Limpopo River Basin (Resilim) program provides the United states agency for international Development (UsaiD) the opportunity to collaborate with the riparian countries of the basin to improve management of the basin’s water resources—surface and ground—to meet the economic, biodiversity, and social needs of each country, and, in parallel, support the achievement of the development goals of the Limpopo Watercourse commission (limcom) and southern African Development community (saDc). Resilim’s goal is to improve transboundary management of the Limpopo River Basin, resulting in enhanced resilience of people and ecosystems. given its current status of a ‘closed’ basin, meaning it has no more resource to allocate, the strategic objective is to open water flows in the basin."

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